And they will sparkle in His land
like jewels in a crown;
how attractive and beautiful they will be!
Zechariah 9:16b-17a
Class Times
9:00 am Service
There are no classes for kids or youth during the first service. Anyone under 18 who attends at this time will need to be in the service with their parents/guardians,
11:00 am Service
Kids go directly to their classrooms before the second service.
There is no "junior" Holy Spirit!
We believe that children have just as much ability to pray and minister as adults and should be given the opportunity to foster those skills!
Children grades 1st-5th are encouraged to join Kingdom Kids every Sunday morning in Room 4. We start with some rocking worship, have a lesson, then break into small groups to practice what we're learning.
Children grades 1st-5th are encouraged to join Kingdom Kids every Sunday morning in Room 4. We start with some rocking worship, have a lesson, then break into small groups to practice what we're learning.
It's super fun!