Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.
Matthew 28:19

Foreign Missionaries We Support
Local Outreach

BeeLoved was formed to give God the ability to show up in our city without an agenda.
To give, use the button below and select BeeLoved Collective in the dropdown menu.
To give, use the button below and select BeeLoved Collective in the dropdown menu.

A great way to be a missionary from you own home!
Becoming a host family is easy. All it requires is a desire to share your home and 2-3 weeks of your life with a foreign student. Hosting a foreign student can bring your family joy for years to come. If you are interested, contact Valerie Woldeit 541-905-5037
Becoming a host family is easy. All it requires is a desire to share your home and 2-3 weeks of your life with a foreign student. Hosting a foreign student can bring your family joy for years to come. If you are interested, contact Valerie Woldeit 541-905-5037

WVFRC Serves Oregon's Willamette Valley
First Responders and the local community
in times of crisis.
First Responders and the local community
in times of crisis.
VCC has been granted an amazing opportunity
to fellowship with and minister to the girls living
in the Cedar Unit at Oak Creek Corrections.
For more information on how you can be involved
contact Shelly Herndon.
to fellowship with and minister to the girls living
in the Cedar Unit at Oak Creek Corrections.
For more information on how you can be involved
contact Shelly Herndon.

Mobilizing local churches
to transform lives & communities
in the name of Christ.
to transform lives & communities
in the name of Christ.
A local Christian organization helping individuals obtain sexual and relational wholeness in the midst of a broken and confused world.

Pacific Northwest Adult & Teen Challenge is a non profit dedicated to putting hope within reach of every person struggling with addiction through long-term residential discipleship.

Every Child invites the community to partner with Oregon’s Department of Human Services (ODHS) to aid vulnerable children in foster care and to support foster families.