
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

 Matthew 6:21

Our Heart for Generosity 

We encourage giving that is grounded in your relationship with Christ, and that exhibits your love for and trust in Him. Tithing and giving should not be done out of guilt or obligation, but out of a heart of gratitude for God's provision and as an act of worship.

Give Online

VCC uses an electronic giving program as a way to automate your regular offerings. Electronic giving offers convenience for individuals and will appeal to many of us—from longtime givers who will appreciate an alternative to frequent check writing to many younger givers who prefer to pay or donate by electronic means whenever possible. You will be able to give to Tithes & Offerings, Missions, Building Fund, and other ministries. 

Text to Give

To give to VCC via texting, text GIVE2VCC to 1-888-364-GIVE (4483). You will receive a reply with the link to our giving interface. The code is not case sensitive. Already set up a Subsplash Giving account? You will be able to login and give immediately. If not, you can create an account quickly.

Give In Person

At VCC we don't generally pass the offering plate. If you would like to give by cash or check, our offering box can be found on a table in the Lobby. Offering envelopes are available on the side of the box or on chair backs in the Sanctuary.

Mail A Check

Checks and money orders can be mailed to the address below. Please do not send cash.

Valley Christian Center
577 Scravel Hill Rd NE
Albany, OR 97322

Have questions or need help?