March 31, 2024: Surrendered Sacrifice 5.0, Easter Sunday

Mar 31, 2024    Nicole Cade

Please note...there were major audio issues with the livestream! This message is unfortunately missing a word or two about every minute, but it is the best audio we have from Easter Sunday! We have since found the wayward cord and replaced it!

Pastor Nicole continued her series on Surrendered Sacrifice with the account of the women going to the tomb of Jesus after His crucifixion.

She pointed out that even though they thought they were seeking a dead Jesus, because their hearts were positioned to seek Him, they encountered not a lifeless body, but a risen Lord and an empty tomb. Hallelujah! The Angel then told the women to go tell the disciples that Christ was risen and that He was going before them and they would see Him there.

This is how Pastor Nicole showed that the Angel's instructions to the women is an invitation for us as well...

Position your heart to seek Jesus

Encounter the resurrected, living Jesus

Go tell others

He goes before you and you will see Him there

The fruit of which is Holy Awe.

When we seek Him, we put ourselves in the position to encounter the risen Lord!