August 25, 2024: Kingdom Stewardship 3.0

Aug 25, 2024    Nicole Cade

For the third part of Pastor Nicole's Kingdom Stewardship series, she focused on the stewardship of relationships.

Pastor Nicole used the example of when Jesus was confronted by the Scribes and Pharisees with the woman caught in adultery (in John chapter 8.)

She explained that stewarding relationships starts in our thoughts as our thoughts determine how we treat people. If we only focus on our disapproval of someone (like the Scribes and Pharisees), we will not see our part in the relationship. She also stressed how any area of unforgiveness or bitterness toward one individual doesn't affect only that relationship, but it touches all our other relationships. Yet when Jesus saw the woman being accused, He silenced the voices of the accusers, and He didn't condemn her because He saw her through the eyes of His restoration. When we ask God to show us how HE sees someone it will silence the voice of our accusations and give us His perspective of how to view, connect, and interact with them.

This sermon was the perfect wrap up to the Stewardship series. God desires us to take scrupulous care of all He has entrusted to us, and what He has given us, we are share with others!