May 19, 2024: The Heart of God - Pentecost

May 19, 2024    Nicole Cade

Yesterday, Pastor Nicole preached from Acts chapter 1 + 2 for Pentecost Sunday.

She talked about how the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost brought every nation, tribe, and tongue together in Christ. The Holy Spirit was sent to unify and empower the church to be witnesses to all of humanity. When we align ourselves with Jesus in unity it makes the church a powerful force. The only way the devil has to derail us is by sowing discord through offence or isolation. The enemy uses distractions to get us focusing on things that bring disunity and keep us from being witnesses. Pastor Nicole showed how we can be in unity like the early Church at the day of Pentecost.

-We as the Church can come together with one passion for Jesus Christ. Talking, seeking and asking of God.

-We as the Church are empowered by the Holy Spirit to be witnesses of Jesus to all of Humanity.

-We as the Church partner with the Holy Spirit in how we will respond to Him.

After second service everyone went outside, and Nicole staked the ground for God with a cedar stake that has 70 scriptures sealed inside it declaring our commitment to follow Christ in unity.