Spiritual Direction

Make me to know your ways, O Lord;
teach me your paths.

psalm 25:4

Spiritual direction is a ministry dedicated to assisting a person who desires to grow in freedom and grace and to develop greater intimacy with God.
In companionship with the one seeking, a Spiritual Director helps one listen to and detect the Spirit moving in one’s life circumstances. Spiritual direction is an ongoing conversation between you, the director, and the Holy Spirit about how you can know, love, and follow Christ more fully.

Margaret Fairchild, Spiritual Director
541-510-6321 call/text
I share a wonderfully blessed life with my husband, adult children, and granddaughter in Eugene, Oregon. My life’s journey with Christ has taken me through a variety of spiritual practices and denominations, as well as 30+ years in 12-Step recovery. This has given me a special love for all of God’s people.
I know that I connect deeply with God in nature, worship, and Ignatian Spirituality. I’ve been told that I have a gift of being able to help others find this same type of knowing and learn the places where they naturally and deeply connect to God as well. As a spiritual director I enjoy listening with people from all streams of faith. Being present with them as God shows us who they are created to be is a joy. It is beautiful, sacred, and holy to share this practice with another.