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November 3, 2024: Taking Offense with God with Brian

Nov 3, 2024    Brian Coons

Brian Coons continued from his last sermon on taking offense. This time he talked about how we can sometimes be offended with God using the story of Jonah as his example.

Brian said we can get disappointed when we think God is doing the wrong thing. We can tend to project human expectations and characteristics on God and what we believe about God's character can conflict with the outcomes of His character. He says My thoughts are not your thoughts and My ways are not your ways. (Isaiah 55:8) Everything that flows from God is out of love, so even if we don't perceive God's ways to be "good" from our human perspective they ARE good. But just as with Jonah, God doesn't get upset with us when we express anger with Him. In fact, the best place to go in an offense is to Him! We certainly don't want to run/hide/avoid like Jonah did! Brian said, "God isn't looking for our agreement, but for our trust and partnership." God wants us fully surrendered to Him. Brian went on to share a "To-Do List" for us if we find ourselves offended with God.