June 2, 2024: Jesus Loves You with Kyle Randleman

Jun 2, 2024    Kyle Randleman

We certainly were blessed to have Kyle Randleman come share with us yesterday. His word was based off John 3:1-16 which is a conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus.

Jesus told Nicodemus that "...no one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit." We are all dead in our sins and need to be reborn into new life. To enter God's family, we are birthed into it by the Holy Spirit. The water part of this process is our repentance (as illustrated by water baptism.) Even though Nicodemus recognized Jesus as a rabbi and that He was sent from God, he couldn't understand the concept of being born again. This leads up to John 3:16 where Jesus tells him how God loved the world and sent His only Son so whoever believes in Him would have everlasting life. God took action to show us how much He loved us by Jesus going to the cross so He could have relationship with us and we could be a part of His spiritual family.

Kyle shared part of his testimony and that at his lowest moment a total stranger looked at him and said, "Jesus loves you!" and that those 3 words completely changed the direction of his life from there on. He stressed how important it is for us as spiritual family to gather together to uplift and encourage one another and corporately worship God. We have all been baptized into one Spirit making us one with Christ.