December 29, 2024: A Presence Culture

Dec 29, 2024    Richard Rogers

Richard talked about how in the Lord's Prayer it says, "You Kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven." and what it means to pray that. The overriding question is what does that culture look like? It is impossible to discover Heaven's culture apart from God's presence because Heaven is a presence-based culture. We get the joy of living in His presence not only in the Kingdom to come but now! The Lord wants our focal point to be gathering around His presence.

Walking us through scriptures, Richard showed how the values of a Presence Culture are

*The Goodness of God

*Nothing is Impossible

*Everything was Purchased at the Cross

*The Significance of Each Individual

He showed us how, because of God's goodness, we can dream big. And since nothing is impossible, we can take risks. And through the complete work on the cross we can trust God even when things don't look good. And finally, that because we believe in the significance of all, we need to serve well.