April 7, 2024: Reconciling Love & Anger

Apr 7, 2024    Brian Coons

Brian continued with his deep dive into the topic of emotions with an insightful word on Reconciling Love + Anger.

He broke down how human anger is (technically) a 90 second chemical response but how we can get stuck in a cycle of anger if we ruminate on those feelings and circumstances. Usually, the thing that triggers our anger isn't the root cause of our anger. Anger is meant to be a protective emotion, but we can spiral down into areas that we aren't meant to be if we don't take our thoughts captive.

Then Brian pointed out how God's thoughts are not our thoughts, and neither are our ways His ways. (Isaiah 55:8) We tend to interpret God's character based on what we experience as humans. But God IS love so everything He says and does is coming from pure love. He defined God's wrath as His love in action against sin. "The wrath of God is not an emotion or angry frame of mind, but instead the settled opposition of His holiness to evil."