July 21, 2024: Freedom to Hope

Jul 21, 2024    Nicole Cade

As Christians we realize that there is no hope without God, but she pointed out that even sometimes as believers we feel hopeless in uncertainty. If our hope is something we try to conjure up in ourselves, or we focus on our uncertain situations, we will lose hope. And because of our expectations or wrong focus, we get disappointed.

Pastor Nicole said that our hope is a trust in God's very nature - that He is who He says He is and that He will do what He says He will. We can look forward with anticipation to what God will do with assurance that whatever happens will be good regardless of the form it takes. Then we won't lose hope or get disappointed.

We have an unshakeable hope through God...but we should also be a channel of hope for those who don't know God because all of the world's "hopes" can be fulfilled in Jesus.