July 7, 2024: The Gift of Freedom to Love

Jul 7, 2024    Nicole Cade

Pastor Nicole spoke on The Gift of Freedom - Freedom to Love.

She encouraged us for the month of July to Pause, Remember, and be Thankful for the gifts of freedom we receive from Christ.

The gift of Love was the focus for yesterday's sermon. Using John 15:1-17 as her main reference, Pastor Nicole showed how our ability to love comes with our salvation, through the love of God and Jesus for us. We receive that gift in that moment, but it can still be difficult for us to love. She pointed out how our walk in this life is to learn to love. Jesus said, "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you."

Love is the foundation of everything. The Love that the Father has for us that He sent His Son, the love that Jesus demonstrated on our behalf by laying down His life on the cross, this is the same love that we receive through Jesus. This is the same love that we remain in as we obey His voice because we are partnering with Him. This is the same love that fulfills our joy. This is the love we are called to love Him with as well as the same love we are called to love our neighbors and ourselves with. It is our Superpower! She went on to give us questions to ask when we are having a hard time loving, to help pinpoint the area we are struggling with.