July 28, 2024: Freedom in Grace

Jul 28, 2024    Nicole Cade

Pastor Nicole completed her "Freedom" series for July with an amazing word on GRACE! Using Moses as an example (from Exodus 33) she showed us how we experience Christ's empowerment (power, strength, and ability) through God's grace.

Pastor Nicole said we experience that power...

In the impossible.

In our relationship with God.

In His presence and through His rest.

In our Identity in Christ.

God knows us, He knows how he formed us, He knows what we struggle with, He knows what He has called us to, and because He knows us, we have His favor.

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." 2 Corinthians 12:9

There is so much treasure in this word, you may really want to get in there and listen with something to takes notes on. The great thing about listening to the video is the ability to rewind and listen to parts more than once so you can really catch them!